Posted: September 2, 2017 in HOT TOPICS



After seven long years and nearly 2 million views, it’s come to a close for this website and blog. The truth is, I simply cannot continue at this pace writing articles that deal with the issues of the world around us and still find time to do other things that are beginning to open up for me and my wife.

In the past year, Ruth and I have started several churches here in China, with a new church being established in the city of Chengdu. With the start of a new church, as well as my regular teaching responsibilities, finding the time to devote to online writings have become time consuming to say the least. Yet a new opportunity has presented itself.

Over the past year, it’s been my ambition, being led by the Lord, to start my own publishing company – Gregory House Publishing. As much as I enjoy writing online (and still do on social media such as Facebook), writing books have been something that I have been very passionate about. To which is partly the reason why I have decided that now is the time to bring to an end one part of my online presence, and begin the transition to a new beginning in the publishing world.

I’ve enjoyed the many emails and comments since day 1 of this blog site, and to be clear, it has sparked much debate, controversy and discussion when it comes to issues that I felt was important to the church, as well as the hour in which we live. There is no question that we are living in dangerous times, and as the world continues to progress toward a point in time where God will judge the world, still, there is hope for those who desire it, through Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross.

With influences growing in science, technology, genetics, even in the financial market toward a cashless society, this all speaks to the hour in which we live, the soon return of Christ to this world. This is, in part, the reason for a shift in direction for me and where I believe I can do the most good.

I appreciate the kind words, the help those who have found it in my many works, and I hope that you continue to monitor news and updates in the near future of a more completed works which will be offered in the coming year. For those wondering, the site and all its articles will be still available online for viewing for 30 days. Yet on October 1st, this site and all of its information will be removed.

To those who might be interested in purchasing this domain http://www.thepropheticnews.com this site will be for sale, please contact me directly at christopher152@gmail.com for discussion.

For those who would like to stay in contact, I can be found on Facebook – christopher gregory. There you can receive daily updates of our continuing work here in China, as well as future information on the books which will be offered next year.

Thank you for supporting this site, for coming back time after time in reading and taking everything I’ve ever said with great interest. I hope we can do the same as we transition to a more publishing platform.

God bless,





I tend to read quite a great deal of information pretty regularly, especially when it comes to politics, social issues, science, world affairs, and economic news. It’s a personal interest of mine to keep pace to what’s happening in our world and how (or if) it relates to some degree to the Bible and prophecy. That being said, today news came out that Mark Cuban has invested a significant amount of money into cryptocurrency through a new venture company called 1confirmation. Cuban will then raise over $20 million in more investments, and already, over 1 billion in capital investments have been raised for digital currency. This is very significant and let me explain why.
For those who are not familiar with what cryptocurrency is, it is digital currency, like bitcoin, that is set up as assets. One where wealth can be accrued, instantly transferred, and properly stored by anybody. It would provide an incentive to cultivate the more positive aspects of humanity. The idea, which is only now to really begin to take off globally, is to create a currency made up of digital algorithms that can be backed by something, versus fiat money which, unlike the dollar (fiat) was once backed by gold until 1970-73′.
The thing about cryptocurrencies is, ALL transactions are transparent AND stored indefinitely on a ledger that can be accessed by anyone, at any time. This is something that the tech industry has been wanting to do for a long time, create something digital which would eventually replace currency that we have today, thereby making things easier to trace, easier to transact, and thus, making life more simpler in the future. Even when it comes to corruption, digital currencies would make it harder to support behavior which is illegal. Prostitution? no cash, no act no worries, why? Digital currency would be traceable. Drug dealing? Forget about it. Again, traceable algorithms would make criminal activity mute at this point. Going cashless would potentially eliminate the possibility of corruption in all sectors of society.
The problem? Personal behavior in a free society would be greatly controlled, monitored and ultimately investigated to see if it meets the criteria of what would be approved or not approved. This presents a significant issue when we talk about beliefs and supporting those beliefs. Case in point, the recent actions by Paypal, who shut down numerous hate groups from raising money online. Not to mention Facebook, Google and other online resources that deemed such groups as incorrect (and they would be right). However, when a segment of a high-tech Corporation has the power to restrict or even silence speech, and thus even control how they raise or spend money online, then it sets a precedent that we cannot ignore. This is the problem of what I see coming as it relates to digital currency, personal (if not national) sovereignty.
I believe that the push toward digital currency is in fact the trigger that will bring about a global world economic system. Furthermore, I believe that cryptocurrency is in fact the sign or “a” sign that we are laying the foundation toward a cashless society. Again, pay attention to what men with money and power are doing as it relates to what is coming and how it will affect you or I in the future? People like Mark Cuban (among others) are not investing combined billions into a crap shoot to lose what they hope to gain, which is even more wealth, they know the field they are in, they see the signs of what’s coming and they are investing their fortunes into what I believe is the final step toward killing paper currency altogether, and make no mistake, this is in fact a war not just upon paper money, but personal sovereignty as well.
The word says in Revelation 13:16-17 “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”   So while digital currency is still in the near distant future, all of this speaks volumes as to where we are headed as a global society, and why, eventually, it will affect all of us, especially within the church. For just as those who use digital means to preach hate can be singled out, so can those who support the gospel. All of this should remind us that the world is getting smaller, knowledge is becoming more powerful and while we should not shun science and technology, it will in fact be that same technology to some degree that will usher the world into a time where all of our actions, behaviors and beliefs, including how we spend money, will be regulated. Again, because the bible already foretold of its arrival. And by this latest announcement, it’s already here.
From my desk in China,
Email: christopher152@gmail.com



“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

If we can effectively merge with A.I. by improving the neural link between the cortex and your digital extension of yourself – which already exists, it just has a bandwidth issue – then effectively you become an A.I. human symbiote. And if that then is widespread, [where] anyone who wants it can have it, then we solve the control problem as well. We don’t have to worry about some evil dictator A.I., because we are the A.I. collectively. That seems to be the best outcome I can think of.” (Elon Musk: Sep, 2016 | Source)


All it takes for a revolution is a spark.

For humanity, that spark was the birth of the internet, which in turn gave birth to unlimited information at the click of a keyboard. Yet in man’s revolution against nature, and ultimately against God, his revolution has empowered him to achieve the ultimate rebellion against his creator, by making himself god. Thus, man becomes both god and savior – to himself. Such is the folly of man.

There is no question that as a race of beings on this earth, that man is moving quickly into the abyss of self-destruction. From the garden to the lab, man has been promised immortality over death, health over sickness, pleasure over pain, wealth over poverty all under the guise of what could be if he simply takes bite of the apple. How ironic that the very symbol of man’s great technological advancements in science and hi-tech is in fact the apple.

The race toward A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) in this 21st century is comparable to the moon race in the 1960s. The question is, who will achieve it first? And at what cost? The idea which allows a computer to merge with the human brain, merging our bodies with an artificial intelligence, what happens to the humanness of our uniqueness to which God himself designed, what happens when that biotechnology and computerized intelligence merge into the mainframe of the human mind? What happens to the human soul at that point? Sounds too far fetched? Sounds too impossible? Think again.

At this current stage of technological advancements, genetic engineering is making tremendous strides. The ability to create, develop and even merge bio-engineering into the human tissue is already making great advancements. The problem? Limited knowledge of the unknown. In this case, how to create the perfect Artificial Intelligent computer capable of thinking on its own. Here, is where I believe Satan will come into play at some point in our future.

In Revelation 13:15, the scripture which John penned nearly 2,000 years ago, indicate that at some point a Satanic being will have an image created to which Satan will give it life. “And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.” I am of the opinion that the image could very well be the ultimate in forbidden knowledge given to man to create an artificial intelligence so unique, so “other worldly” that it could only come by the mingling of fallen beings giving information to bring about a new, and final chapter to mankind – his slavery, as well as his destruction.

The smartphone (Iphone) continues to develop and change, yet even with all the advancements Apple comes out with (the leader of smartphone technology) still, the ability to fully integrate a smartphone with our ability to think, speak and rationale is limited, but not far fetched. The reality is, that soon it will be possible to merge the smartphone with our body, literally embedded so that the phone will become part of the human genome. Think of it this way, to be able to go online, chat, search for products to buy and call a friend all from within the mind is the next step in man’s evolution. This is where man is desiring to go, to end his dependency upon God, and instead, become his own god.

All of this leads to the question, will God allow this? If we understand prophecy, then yes, God will allow man, as well as Satan to finalize their Satanic agreement, but only to find that his desire to conquer death and in essence become immortal will come with a price – his soul. Yet that is the price for sin. Sin is the cause of man’s rebellion. Sin is the cause of man’s hatred for God. Sin is the reason why men still reject the cross. And sin will be the reason God will judge the world.

Homo Deus (man-god) will be the result of the eventual union between bio-engineering and Artificial Intelligence and the human brain. While the changes will come gradually, they are coming. This is why we are seeing the push for greater levels of advancements in science, in particular interactive computer ingenuity. It’s to create a super-human which will become mans answer to his deepest desire, to become God. Companies such as Apple, Kernel, SpaceX, Tesla and many more hi-tech companies are every day pushing the boundaries to being all of this to pass.

So what do we do who see the future and understand that God has a limit to his grace and mercy, and will, at some given point in time future, judge this world? We preach the only answer to man’s inner problem, which remains sin – the cross. We preach Jesus Christ. We preach that man must repent before it’s too late.

The world is undergoing dramatic change each and every day, and with that change comes a sign, and that sign is the soon return of Jesus Christ. But before he returns, the earth, and all of humanity will face great hardship, tribulation and eventually betrayal at the hands of his enemy which is Satan. His only hope, his only recourse is to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That is the answer, not Artificial Intelligence.


From my desk in China,


email me: christopher152@gmail.com





poor children


For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.’…(Matthew 25:35)

When the Nepal earthquake hit in April of 2015, it left over 9,000 dead, over 20,000 people injured and hundreds of thousands homeless, as well as displaced in this small area that sits next to China. If our gospel is not Christ centered or shown in such a way that benefits the people equally in such a way that denotes a true and genuine expression of love toward those who are hurting, then we are merely paying lip service about a God that we do not know ourselves, and we become more of a hindrance than a help. Yet that is exactly what has happened in this area not long ago when a disaster took place, which left thousands dead, and even many more with no home. When American missionaries came into Nepal as well as western China to preach Christ, but in the end left little in regards to solving the more serious issues that those who were stricken by the earthquake were experiencing. Yet worse, never actually meeting the desired need of the people, instead, only giving out bibles (no food, no warm blankets, no water – nothing but bibles).

Recently I was sitting with an individual who had been part of a humanitarian relief group for Nepal, who is now back in this part of China, as he began to explain to me his experiences (good and bad) with Christian missionaries from the U.S.. The event which challenged his perspective on American Christianity for the most part was the fact that the only image he saw, as well as the hundreds of others in this little remote village where he was stationed, had been when a large group of missionaries showed up in a large van and began to do “outreach” to the people. At first the people were thrilled that help had come, but instead of help, what came was a form too often seen these days under the guise of “mission work”, where teams would venture into a remote area and preach the gospel, but never actually meeting the physical needs of the people. The people of Nepal, as well as western China told the tale as this large group of U.S. missionaries came into the area that had been ravaged by a natural disaster, and never offering any service of help to restore what had been lost. Instead, they offered bibles. Bibles. Not clothes, or warm blankets, or food, or even bottled water – but bibles. Then, when they finished ministering to the people by handing out the word of God, they left. And with that they were gone.

I asked my friend what did the people do with all those bibles that the missionaries handed them, which were in the hundreds, if not a few thousand? His answer both shocked me, but as I pondered on it later that afternoon, it made perfectly good sense – they burned them. No, the Nepal people, nor the Chinese locals burned those bibles out of some sort of hatred for the gospel, they actually appreciated the care that these well intended (albeit misguided) young men attempted to do. Yet in the end, the people burned their bibles to keep warm during the night.

While there are certainly many good and sincere Christian organizations working in Asia who do have a heart for the people, not just in mere words, but also in demonstration, still, I’ve seen an increase of those who come to Asia with the least bit of desire to work with the people, meeting their needs where they are at, and instead, giving them religion disguised as faith. It never works. The apostle Paul stated it like this, My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. “ (1 Cor. 2.4,5)

Paul not only met the spiritual needs of the people, he met their physical needs as well. It was the same as Christ, who fed the 5,000+ who came to him hungry. How shall we then show the love of Christ if we neglect the very purpose of Christ and God’s message to man if we care not for the needs of the people? We not only reject the commandment of our Lord, we prove that our claim to Christ is nothing more than a false declaration, not merited by a genuine love for others, but a love to be seen and nothing more. If mission work, or even evangelism for that matter is not founded on the central core of the love of Christ, the message of the cross, which is salvation, followed by the demonstration of that same message, then we have failed in whatever purpose we had to begin with, and we’ve become nothing more than a cheap imitation (religious), a counterfeit.

My heart broke today inside as I listened to how the gospel which could have been used to reach untold numbers of people for Christ, become nothing more than a religious symbol of pride and nothing more. Yet as I look at the work my wife and I do here in China, the churches we establish, the lives that are being changed, the children being educated, people who need medicine paid by and from this ministry, it sets us apart from those who only see the lost as a mere symbol of prideful gain, but a people who need to not only hear that Jesus loves them, but see it in action as well. That is what separates those who preach Christ for all the wrong reasons, from those who preach Christ out of a genuine love for them. That’s the difference.

The world out there is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity but a new demonstration.  ~Leonard Ravenhill

From my desk in China,


Email: christopher152@gmail.com




“The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” Luke 12:2

This is a significant departure for me when or as it relates to prophecy and revelation as it concerns issues within the church, but this has been in my spirit since the vision came several days ago to which I will reveal now. Understand, I do not deal with issues for the most part with subjects like music (although I have in the past), I typically only deal with issues that relate directly to the church as a whole as it relates to the last days. However, a few nights ago the Lord gave me a dream which was so shocking, so disturbing that at first I thought it had to be the enemy, but as I began to test the spirit, I understood more that the Lord himself was showing me something that he was about to do. It was only because of the images that I saw, the perversion, the lewdness, the blatant sins which stood in occurred in front of me that I at first thought how is this possible that God would show me this? But then it hit me, that sin and perversion has no barriers, and is moving throughout Christian circles. This is the night vision I was given.

I stood in a large auditorium that was filled with people numbering well into the hundreds, maybe a little over 1,000 in attendance. It was obvious that the majority were associated with Christian music, and it was obvious to me that this was a southern gospel event as many well known people and singing groups were shown on the stage. The dream changed rather quickly, as I stood near the end of the stage next to the curtain that seemed to open before me in that I would be able to see the following occur. I saw a young woman come up onto the stage, she was an attractive girl and very sensual in dress, and acted like a prostitute in her behavior. I watched as she began to dance in front of the men on stage, well known gospel singers, as the crowd in the audience did not seem to be moved at all by what was happening. The young woman began to undress herself and then proceeded to have sex with several of the high profile men on stage. I wanted to look away, but something in my spirit said “Don’t turn away, look!” and I watched as more sexual perversion began to occur with others on stage. What stunned me more, besides the individuals who participated in this perversion, was the level of applause coming from the audience itself, seemingly encouraging the orgy that was happening before me. Then as it it did before, the curtain closed and the dream ended.

I believe the Lord was showing me that there is significant sin and perversion within this industry and that eventually all will be revealed. But even more so, there is a level of wickedness that is beginning to seduce and even change the very nature of the music of Southern Gospel itself to be more a reflection of the changing times, and less to do with the foundation from which it came. Ecumenical movements, liberal, progressive Christianity and the desire for money and fame are all changing many aspects of those who utilize these types of platforms, and they are doing so at the cost of their souls.

Please understand, I live in China, I have very little access to what’s going on in many circles due to my work within this Communist nation. Yet when God reveals certain things to me, I take them serious as a message as well as a word of warning that things will be shaken in these last days as we move further into the period of time which Christ warned us about. However, let it be known that God will reveal, expose what he sees as a threat to his people, and if people do not repent, then his only option is to show the entire world what needs to be shown. This is why I used an image such as Hee Haw, Hee Haw was a provocative television show in the late 1960’s-1980 that was set in the south which featured large breasted women, sexual enticements, off color humor and to hook Christians, southern gospel music as a lure to seduce believers. Hee Haw is an example of the world infiltrating the church, much to what is happening today. That is what God was showing me, the world and its influence is changing everything when it comes to traditional Christian principles.

These are the last days just before Christ returns, and it’s beginning to show how far we are straying from the truth, and subscribing to the false in this last hour.

From my desk in China,



website: http://www.chinamissions.org

the shack


Universalism is a religious belief system that says that at some point God will show grace and mercy to those in Hell by offering them a second chance to repent. This is what Universalism teaches and it’s false. It is appointed to man ONCE to die, THEN the judgment. There are no second chances in Hell. The second argument that is typified in heresy teachings is the common suggestion that God is no longer or will no longer judge men today, for he judged the world at the cross. Wrong again. In the book of Jude, verse 5-6, we are reminded by the words of the same writer of God’s judgment, “I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you ONCE KNEW THIS, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them who believed not. And the Angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day.” Also read Revelation 20:10.
My point is this, regardless what book, or movie presents itself as “truth” today, know that God does demand the sinner to repent, or face judgment sooner or later. The cross was in fact Christ dying for mankind, but it did not solve the matter of unrepentant sin. If the sinner does not repent and come to Christ and then eventually dies, that man or woman goes to a place called Hell. I don’t care what William P. Young (The Shack) says. Nor do I care that over 1,000 seeker sensitive pastors endorsed his movie. Nor do I care that TBN, CBN and a long list of popular Pentecostals and Charismatics have weighed in on their support. I care about one thing – scripture. If scripture rejects it, then whatever the message is is false. End of story.
The reason why I even chimed in on this chatter over The Shack is very simple, if Christians are that gullible to be taken in by a feel good, love fest film which promotes the idea of no Hell (and the movie does), or strongly asserts the idea which says that God does not judge people today (and it does), for Christians to buy into that tells me more about the spiritual state of the modern church today than ever before, and why we are nearing the time of the coming deception. So no, spare me your ignorance on why anyone should go see this movie as anything but a demonic attempt to indoctrinate the church masses into believing a lie, and recognize that if a person who is born again can be turned so easily by a modern attempt to seduce us with cinema-heresy such as The Shack, then you my friend have succumbed to the greatest seduction known to man, and you’ve stumbled for a lie.
From my office in China,


“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8

There is a solemn responsibility to those who are in ministry to tell the truth, even when the truth is not easy to accept, to negate such a responsible task to those in leadership and instead, refuse to speak the truth, either out of fear from public rebuke, or financial hardship denigrates the office of ministry, and thus, make that truth no longer of any value. Such is the case which is happening today within many ministries within the modern church. Men and women who are in leadership, are forsaking telling the truth in favor of their own version of truth, and ultimately a lie. In plain English, preachers are teaching anyone who will listen a bold face LIE!

What is this lie you ask?

It’s the lie that has many believing that things in this world are going to get better for not just America in general, but for the church as well. It’s the lie which says that the modern church, for all its faults and failures, will emerge in the last days as a conquering church, goosestepping across the world in an effort to redeem not only the sinner, but entire nations as well. It’s the lie that says the modern day church will invade every area of social service and political fray to establish its dominance within the world, thus turning sinful planet earth into a Christian planet. In simple terms, the earth is about to be taken over not by Islam, or aliens, but by the Christian church itself. It is the new crusade by which this new global agenda will dominate and conquer the world for Christ. It’s teaching is called the 7 Mountain Mandate (Theology), and it’s being taught by some pretty influential proponents, one of which is Dr. Lance Wallnau, the actual teacher and creator of this particular doctrine that has many, including those surrounding President Trump in allegiance to.

But is this new doctrine Biblical? The answer is no, it’s not.

Dr. Wallnau and his 7 mountain mandate is simply another twist on the long held doctrine called Dominionism. It’s the theology called “Kingdom Now” that says that in the end times, the church will actually control the world to prepare it for the second coming of Jesus Christ. What Dr. Wallnau is doing is broadening his scope to make this teaching more tolerable for people to understand, in essence, he is simply dumbing down Dominionist theology in such a way that it makes better since for the biblically illiterate to grasp and understand.

So what is the 7 Mountain Mandate?

7 Mountain Mandate simply says, that in order for the church to control the global society, it must take control over every aspect of that particular society and its culture, being 7 cultural mountains. They are; Family, Government, Business, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Education and the church itself. Those who control these cultural gates exercise the greatest influence over the culture and ultimately that society. This is, in a nutshell, the doctrine of Dr. Lance Wallnau and why many are beginning, and have already, been embracing like a strange, intoxicating drink, they (the church) are becoming drunk on this notion that says we shall eradicate evil and overthrow Satan’s kingdom of dominance.

But they are wrong. Tragically wrong.

Jesus made it very clear in John 18:36 “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” Are we (those who are born again into Christ his servants?

This teaching (7 mountain mandate) is a false teaching simply because it goes against scripture. Jesus gave us (the end time church) a clear picture of the end times just before he returns, and that picture is not one of hope, or victory, but instead, one of which would shake any believer in terrible fear, for he (Jesus) paints a very sobering portrait of what we will see, those who are alive during this particular time, of what the world will look like, as well as resemble, and it is found in Matthew chapter 24, as well as Luke 21:8-28. For your sake I encourage the reader to search those scriptures up and read them repeatedly.

Yet if we take the teachings of men like Dr. Wallnau as well as countless others who are teaching these erratic ideas to heart, then what we are doing is denying scripture itself. For what these teachers are literally doing is two-fold:

  1. They are denying scripture about the last days, which in turn conditions those who believe such to eventually become deceived when the final deception comes upon this world. (Jesus warned 3 times not to be deceived in the last days)
  2. They are both denying the warnings of the Lord, as well as the Apostle Paul, the words of Peter, and the visions of John and his Revelation.

It’s simply not to suggest that this 7 Mountain Mandate is simply false and is harmless, it goes beyond that, again, it denies scripture which is clearly outlined in the word itself. Paul the Apostle gave us very clear instructions when it comes to the last days, here is his words on the matter of what is coming:

  1. “Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,”                   (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
  2. “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,” (1 Timothy 4:1)

Do these two statements by Paul regarding the end times reflect the state of the modern church as a dominating church? Or a church which will be rocked by inward deception as well as battling forces from a dominant force (the coming antichrist) which will come against it?

Let us look at what John saw as it relates to the end times and the state of the modern church in those last days:

  1. “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Originator of God’s creation. 15I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other. 16So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of My mouth! (Rev. 3:15-16)
  2. “Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?” “I said to him, “Sir, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:13-14)
  3. “And it was given unto him (the beast) to make war with the Saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelation 13:7)

These are just a few prophetic warnings of what is to come. The question remains, does this sound like the teachings of the 7 Mountain Mandate being successful? Or does this reveal a greater truth, that at some point a being shall rise out of the earth and take dominion over all living things, including nations? The answer is yes, and that being is the one which Jesus said is called an abomination, the man of sin – the antichrist.

There is no need to argue or debate this matter, nor is it a doctrinal dispute, this is simply scripture interpreting scripture, allowing the Bible to speak and not men. Ours is to preach the gospel, not to overtake this world. This is the problem, one which those who promote Dominion teachings do not understand, nor do they want to. Why? Because they love this world! They love everything about the world, because their heart is toward this world. But the word says “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15)

The world that John is referring to is the world system. It’s the same system to which Satan offered Jesus when he showed him all the kingdoms of the earth (Matthew 4:8-9). The truth remains, this world is not our home, nor should we look at it as our home, nor should we contend for it as such, because our home is an eternal one. But hear the word of Jesus on this matter of what our mandate truly is, and how things will come when that occurs; “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

Jesus himself is stating it very clear, so that all can understand, that the preaching of the gospel will happen across the world in such a way that every nation and its people will have access to knowing and receiving Jesus Christ, then shall the end come. The end Jesus refers to is the end times, whereby all things that must be fulfilled will be as it relates to the prophecies of Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John, not to mention the old testament prophets. Does this sound like heaven on earth to you? Does this sound like the church will usher in the kingdom? Does this sound like the church will dominate the world for Christ and establish a Christian global society?

Truth is important, without it all we have is opinion and opinions not based or rooted in truth will always turn into a lie every time, because that is the nature of deception, it takes a a little truth and twists it enough to convince people otherwise. That is the nature of Satan’s tactics in these last days, and why the 7 Mountain Mandate, as well as Dominionism is a false teaching, because it gives the church a false hope of what is coming – peace and safety, when the opposite of what’s coming is true – tribulation.


From my desk in China,







Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. ” Revelation 13:11

On July 27th, of 2010, I received this prophetic word in a dream (night vision) and I have desired to readdress now, 6 1/2 years later. Here is that dream:

I was walking toward my house and noticed that it was night and something caught my attention, I walked toward the open field that the house sits near and I saw men working. I noticed that they were tilling up the land with a great combine, this great machine was making the ground rich in soil as if they were going to plant something. Suddenly I saw what seemed to be a miniature city that sat on top of the fresh tilled soil, but it was on fire. The City blazed in fiery heat as I turned away from the ordeal and saw the men leave. The city and the fire then vanished and was no more.

I turned and walked back toward the house, when I heard someone speaking. I walked to a tree, next to the tree was Barack Obama, he was speaking, whether he was on television or he was in the flesh standing in front of me I do not know, either way, he was speaking directly in front of me and he was saying the most unusual statement. He spoke of being a christian, but that there was nothing to fear of a new world order, that this system would not hurt the church, but he kept repeating over and over that he was a christian and that what he was doing should not cause Christians to fear. Then, whether it was my spirit or the holy spirit, I do not know which, I heard something say, “He will not be the one to bring this to pass, it will be another after him.

I then saw a lamb laying down next to a tree trunk, it was dirty and old and feeble and all alone. I reached down and picked it up and brought it with me into the house and closed the door. I looked down and saw the lamb had changed from old to a healthy lamb, full of energy and vigor. But something was odd about the lamb, something was different about this particular lamb, and the dream ended.

UPDATE: It is now January 31st, 2017 and Donald Trump has won the White House. I find it interesting that in Revelation 13:11-12, we see a beast nation which resembles a lamb, yet speaks as a dragon rise, and as beasts in Revelation always refer to nations, it is quite possible that this nation is in fact The United States. Whatever is coming, it’s now clear that Obama did not fulfill the prophecy, which the Lord spoke and said as such, and it’s quite clear that a spiritual religion of another type of Christianity is rising in this nation, which seems to suggest that everything is being established in the last days.




“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8


There is a simple fact that every believer must acknowledge in their walk with Christ, and that is this, you and I are not God. Nor are we little gods. Nor do we have the same power or ability to think and act and create like God. Even more so, neither do our words have the same power as Gods words. The simple fact is, man is a creation of God, made a little above the angels itself, without the ability nor power to imitate God in action or in deeds, or in this case – words. The truth is, our words are not on the same level as God almighty and have virtually no power within themselves. In other words, when we speak nothing happens, but when God speaks everything happens, because he’s God and we’re not.

Yet there is a teaching which has gained prominence within the Charismatic/Pentecostal circles by suggesting that not only are we little gods, not only can we duplicate what God can do, we can equally speak things as a god and see those words literally transform nothing into something. It is called Positive Affirmation, or what is generally referred to by some as the power within the tongue. The belief is very simple, and very dangerous, but it goes something like this; A believer has a special need (money, health, career change, relationship, etc.) and they desire this with great fervor, but they don’t know how to bring it to pass. The answer? Simply speak it into existence. Sounds far fetched right? Yet if the truth be told, there are millions of Christians within the Charismatic/Pentecostal circles who have bought into this lie that says if one desires to change their circumstances in life, all one has to do is simply speak it into being and it will come. The problem is that it never works.

Teachers such as Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Jesse Duplantis and a boatload of others, have made millions of dollars in book sales all in trying to convince an unsuspecting Christian that they have the power within themselves to speak something out of nothing and gain whatever they want. The problem is, A) It’s not scriptural, and B) It’s not possible. To be clear, Jesus told us that if we followed him, that we too could (and would) perform miracles – but as the Spirit leads. The fact remains that while the gifts of the Holy Spirit are valid today (1 Corinthians chapter 12), the ability to just speak something is not only foolish, or unscriptural, it was never taught by the early church leaders, or Christ himself.

Believe it or not, the Positive Confession movement has no actual basis within the early church, nor was it rooted at all within modern or even past Christian teachings, it literally came from the occult world and went by another title, The Law of Attraction. This occult method is standard 101 information for anyone involved in the secret world of witchcraft and sorcery. The idea is simple, whatever you are attracted to, or desire, all you have to do is channel the strong desire within your mind to receive it, and by doing so, you can have it. This method has been utilized for hundreds, if not thousands of years by those who perform the dark arts of gaining whatever they desire. The problem with the confession, speaking it into existence, law of attraction is, it’s tapping into the spiritual realm, and certainly not what is of God.

It is amazing that when we examine the teachings and ideas promoted by a select few who claim to receive a revelation from God that is never based on the word of God, we begin to see its true source – Satan. Yet this is exactly the facts as it relates to the Positive Confession movement that has unfortunately polluted the church world today. From its roots from the early druids and pagans, the teaching of the Law of Attraction remains to this day the tool by which some within the modern church world has cleverly utilized which would deceive many by its false teachings. One would think that if they understood that ours is not to simply call forth everything into being that it would become true, nor by simply suggesting that if one merely spoke something by faith that it would happen. The truth is, God desires us to pray his will for whatever we need, not ours. This is the problem of self, it does not desire to submit to God’s perfect plan, but instead, rely on self and self desires (money, material things) to gain something simply by declaring it so. It’s all a clever ruse to blind the believer to a belief that he or she is able to do things on a thought, or word, and not rely on God’s word.

So how did this particular teaching come into the church today?

His name was E.W. Kenyon. Kenyon was born on April 25, 1867. He was introduced to the faith from the Methodist movement of that particular time. It was there he was introduced to the early teachings of the New Thought movement, and subsequently became aware of this new teaching which stated that if one speaks something, one will receive something, all by faith. Kenyon would go on to become affiliated with the growing Pentecostal movement which was happening in that time, the re-birth of the advent of the Pentecost in the book of Acts, and would find himself learning as well as teaching at the Emerson School. From the early writings of E.W. Kenyon, his works would include many gleanings from the occult world, new age spiritualism, and the Law of Attraction that would be taken and used by later generations, namely one Kenneth Hagin, who equally was influenced by Kenyon’s claims of Positive Affirmations.

Yet even though Kenyon was a contributor to what we now call “Positive Talk”, it has literally taken on a life of its own. But not just by the church world, even today, New Age teachers such as Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne (author of The Secret), as well as many more. This Law of Attraction, the ability to think and then say something into reality is not a product of man, far from it. The teaching itself dates back to one individual who said to himself “I shall be like the most high. I will place my throne above his.” – Satan. It was Satan who was the originator of Positive Confession, and it was Satan who went into the garden and said to Eve, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”(Genesis 3:1) For when Eve reminded Satan of what God said not to do, it as Satan who then presented a different way of thinking, “You surely will not die.”“For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5)

Satan presented a positive affirmation, which was literally the foundation to Law of Attraction with Eve. Satan simply said, ignore what God says, confess that you shall have great wisdom and great understanding and I will not die. In other words, think it, say it and believe it and it will come to you. The reality is, Eve did receive understanding, but it was the understanding of what God strictly forbid, and thus, because of Adam, sin entered into the world. Thus, the Law of Attraction, power of the tongue to say something into existence is rooted directly from pride. It is sin.

If we could simply say things into reality, then why is there great trouble in the world? If we can simply speak something into being, then why is there hunger? Or war? Or death and disease? If there is power in our tongue, then why did Paul, the great Apostle who faced many a hardship pray three times that God would remove the thorn in his side, but God said “NO!”, but that his grace was sufficient for him? (2 Corinthians 12:8-9)

The fact is this, our authority is limited to what Christ has given to us in his word because of the cross, and nothing more. Yes, we have the power (authority) to claim some spiritual matters as it relates to our faith, but it must always be found consistent with the word of God, it can never go beyond God’s word. If we pray his will, then we will find our will and prayers will be aligned perfectly, even if some things we confess or pray for do not come, sometimes God simply says “No” and we must learn to trust him regardless, for he knows better than we.

Jesus only gives us authority to do what he commissioned us to do – preach the gospel, disciple the nations, heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. He does not give us ALL authority. Nor does he give us the power to speak things into being simply because we want it or desire it, that is the lure of the garden and the tree itself that Satan continues to tempt fallen man with, even Christians, that if we think it and say it, we can have it. But God says otherwise. Don’t fall for this trap, but instead trust God, pray with faith with what he has faithfully given to us, the cross, and believe for those things which he desires, that souls be saved. Everything else will come, or not come based on God’s determination and plan, not by our words.

From my office in China,


Contact me at christopher152@gmail.com




“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

Confrontational Evangelism does not, nor ever will work, contrary to what some preacher or other suggests otherwise. The fact is, if the message is coated in aggression, hostility, anger, defamation or ridicule, that message has been tainted and is not of Christ, but is in fact another gospel which will serve no one but only the self righteous.

Recently, someone (a preacher/pastor on Facebook) video taped himself going into a mall and verbally assaulted CHILDREN as they stood in line to see Santa Claus. (source) The video has now went viral, even making the rounds in the national media and online social networks, whereby one could see as well as hear this man verbally assault, ridicule and castigate those children for wanting to see Santa, but not just kids did this man attack, but also the parents, all because one man deemed himself as the sole representative for the entire Christian faith, and by doing so proved that not only has commonsense is no more common, stupidity has now replaced social graces and common decency in an effort to project a more hateful form of Christianity.
In other words, this man has done nothing to portray Christ in a meaningful and loving way which would draw men TO CHRIST, instead, presented another form of so called aggressive Christianity that attacks even children in the most vile and reproachable form to draw men AWAY from Christ.

In yet another video of someone who is a street preacher, the young man (preacher) goes into an area that is well known to be home to violence and aggressive behavior, within 15 minutes of his name calling of the lost, a man slashes the young man’s hand, sending him to the hospital. Again, all in the name of Confrontational Evangelism.

Romans 14:16 says this as it regards the conduct and character of the Christian and his or her walk in a secular world, “Do not allow what you consider good, then, to be spoken of as evil.” Here’s the real truth in this as it comes to the recent rise of Confrontational Evangelism that has now become more open in many branches of the faith by those who believe that by name calling, personal character attacks and an all out brutality toward anyone who is lost should be made to feel socially unloved and unwanted is, it does not work!
We live in a very hostile (as well as aggressive) world where words matter, and in some respects, those same words bring forth deadly consequences. From road rage, fights in shopping malls throughout America, there has been an increase of violence in all sorts of situations, and it has now reached into the church as well. When Christians, especially preachers of the gospel adopt methods from the world, when our actions and attitudes toward the lost is similar to those who are blinded to the truth, then our message will never resonate with the hearts of the people, but instead, it will cause those who need to hear about the good news of Jesus Christ, to actually resist that call, and in some cases, resort to physical violence in return.

When we examine the life of Christ, we see one common theme when it came to his outreach to the lost (not the religious) but the true broken, the weak, the poor, the sinner itself, his behavior toward the least was one of great compassion, not condemnation (John 3:17). Christ used words which revealed the disparity of the sinner, yet gave hope for their salvation. When Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at the well, his was not one of confrontation, nor did he resort to name calling. His was one of compassion, of love, of hope to this particular woman who even his own disciples, when seeing him speaking to her, questioned his actions. The truth is, Christ drew people to him because his message was one which offered hope, it did not degrade, ridicule or reject the sinner. His was a message of grace, of hope in all sincerity.

Yet today that message of hope has been unfortunately been replaced by a message of fear, of judgment, of hate. If you degrade someone, you isolate them, you control them, you call them names, you demean them. That’s a horrible existence for people. Yet that is exactly what is happening with the method of Confrontational Evangelism. Let’s ask a fair question; Do we honestly believe that by going into a shopping mall at the height of Christmas and confronting children with a style of method which they would not be able to comprehend truly serves any productive purpose other than gratifying one man’s feeble attempt for 15 minutes of fame?

When a street preacher name calls, uses words or terms such as whore, slut, pansy, or confronts in an aggressive tone or demeanor, are they truly desiring a genuine response to the gospel? The answer is no, they aren’t. Here is the more shocking truth to what is happening in these situations, they have no true desire to see men repent, but reject God even further because they themselves have no genuine love for them to repent in the first place. Jesus said that we would know if we love God genuinely by when we loved one another. If we truly followed Christ, we would love people as he loved us when we were unlovable. The simple truth is, I’ve never known one person ever to come to Christ out of ridicule or public shaming – ever.

Is it wrong to warn the sinner of their fate if they don’t repent? Absolutely not. But how we go about it can be. We draw or push away people by how we treat people, that is simply how it works when we relate to people. We demonstrate the love of Christ to the lost by giving them hope, not fear, not demeaning them, and certainly not condemning them. The truth is, they stand condemned already! It’s the same idea of going onto death row and telling a man condemned to be executed in a few hours that he’s going to die, when the fact is he already knows that. What he is hoping for is not the call of death, that’s his reality, instead, he’s praying for a reprieve. Sinners act and behave like sinners because that’s what sinners do! So why not give them words of life instead of words of death?

Confrontational Evangelism will never work. Those who are dedicated to undermining the gospel do so at their own peril, for God keeps a record of all we do, and when we present the gospel in such a way that brings forth a spirit of hate and self destruction, then we have not the true gospel, but a false one, a lonely one, one whose sole intention is to distance others from the cross, that in itself is antichrist. Let us instead speak peace, love and give the sinner reason to hope, even if rejected, tell them the good news, even if it brings ridicule from those who do not know, for in the end, ours is to simply preach the good news of Jesus Christ, and let God determine who will receive when they hear such love from such a high price that was paid 2,000 years ago on Calvary.

From my desk in China,


Contact me at christopher152@gmail.com